Tying Down Intelligence: Conceptualizing and Writing Intellectual Functioning Test Results

This 3-hour webinar aims to elucidate the essential cognitive functions gleaned from results of common intelligence and ability tests.  It covers the interpretation of paper-and-pencil and individually-administered single scale (e.g., Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), Test of General Reasoning Ability (TOGRA)) and full scale (e.g., Reynolds Adaptive Intelligence Test (RAIT), Wechsler Intelligence Scales, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale) tests.  Initially, participants are engaged in elucidating theoretical foundations in the  development of these ability tests and in the cognitive processes involved when examinees respond to test items.  As these theories help clarify the nature of these ability tests, they serve as a guide in making sense of and interpreting test results.  Whereas a more direct interpretation of scores is often done with single-scale tests, full scale tests entail the use of interindividual and intraindividual score comparisons highlighted in combining profile analysis and the successive level approach.  Critical discussions alongside hands-on exercises are done in interpreting and writing sample test results.